Thursday, 22 March 2012

Bottom Studio Staircase

Below ground Staircase
Texture: 'Flowing'

The below ground staircase is designed to welcome visitors of the gallery into the studio. Inspired by AiWeiWei's sunflower exhibition, patrons could be lead from the exhibition down this grand staircase to WeiWei's studio.

Top gallery staircase

Top studio staircase
Texture; luminous
The Top floor Staircase is inspired by Stelarc and his mechanical arm. The descent from the top studio is highly visible so that Stelarc's art can be appreciated long before it reaches the gallery. The panels of the staircase are textured to attract the attention of onlookers. The texture was appropriately inspired by 'luminous'

Comparison Of final design with original Section

The final gallery model (no ground plane shown)

Original Section; left: uniting; right: symbiosis

As the model developed the ideas of the original section took precedent over the shape. The rectilinear structure which morphs into the circular ground floor evokes the symbiosis of the section. The arches unite the various circular levels as they spiral to the ground floor.

Monday, 5 March 2012

3D model - 2

Section Drawings

Unnatural, Playful

Rebirth, Clutter

Evolving, Clutter

Evolving, Teaching

Teaching, Evolving

Ugly, Symbiosis

Symbiosis, Ugly

Ugly, Playful

Uniting, Symbiosis (used for 3d Model)

Clutter, Unnatural

Teaching, Rebirth

Rebirth, Teaching

Clutter, Unnatural

Clutter, Evolving

Playful, Ugly

Symbiosis, Uniting

Playful, Unnatural

Clutter, Rebirth